You cannot win (or lose!) a race simply by doing Push-ups.
Therefore you relax while doing them. (Stress is, well, …stressful!)
Ok, so?
Do a lot of different types of Push-ups Right Now.
Don’t wait for the real thing because, compared to your ‘experience’
if you don’t do any Push-ups Right Now,
you tend to avoid what you don’t know, or are not used to.
Some different types of Push-ups you can do Right Now:
* Walk more
* Eat foods from different parts of the world (Diversified Trace elements)
* Explore the Internet in far weirder ways than you now do
* Solve ‘optical’ illusions, Sudokus, etc.
* Think about how to change concepts around:
– A stitch in nine saves time.
– We will burn that bridge when we come to it. Goethe
– A Variety a day keeps the shrink away.
– If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts. Einstein
The plural of opinion is not Fact.
And do this, … Now! (Dr. Michael Merzenich, 100 patents! 232 publications)
Select Doodles:
# 1 Ferris Wheel – 39 Increasing Intuition – 63 Free Will – 76 Increasing Awareness
82 Limitations – 109 Understanding – 130 Collecting Solutions – 296 The 3rd Option
359 Self Help – 392 Remember Group B
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