A gentleman and his nephew walk on the wooden sidewalk on their way to worship.
A lady comes along wearing her finest dress.
The man pulls the child off the sidewalk and into the mud.
As the lady passes he takes off his hat and says, “Good morning, ma’am.”
They get back on the sidewalk and repeat this several times.
Then the town prostitute comes along and the man jerks his nephew off and says with every bit as much courtesy, “Good morning, ma’am.”
“But, uncle,” cries the nephew, “she’s the town prostitute!”
“Son, I don’t do it because they are ladies, I do it because I am a gentleman.”
Of course, man, woman or child, the premise is the same:
Inner directed action rather than externally triggered reaction.
To reinforce this read any two below:
# 4 Common Courtesy – 27 Responses – 42 Leadership – 115 Give, Get
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