Do it

269 Circle

This one needs a lot of help to execute.

Look at the related Doodles.


A picture is worth a 1,000 words.

An experience is worth 1,000 pictures.


Tell me and I may forget.

Show me and I might remember.

Let me experience it and I incorporate it into every decision from then on.


Ok, so?

The fear of getting it wrong usually stops me from trying it.

Somehow I have to get it right the very first time.

So I may think about it, but I don’t dare actually do /experience it.


In case I’m wrong /fail /look foolish.


Yet it is this very experience that makes you, well … experienced.


Next time, resolve to step out of this circle and just do it.



These Really Help to step out of the Circle:

# 21 Interpretation24 The Wedge25 How Old Are You?27 Responses35 One + One = Two!

40 So What!43 Desire59 Hesitation82 Limitations98 Third Time99 Perfection!

113 Success114 Darts117 Gold Mine130 Collecting Solutions199 Everything

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