Do it

404 „It“

When you identify some thing /idea someone says, as being ‚it‚ …how do you know that?

Yet, down deep, you knowit‚ is the right thing / idea / solution.


That’s because ‚it‚ is already in you. 

Sometimes not as a final product, which is why you do not have ‚it‚ until you see /hear that particular assembly. Then you immediately flash to ‚it‚ and know it’s the right one.


Computer chip as a solution, to a caveman = Blank.

To a tube, transistor person = Genius!


It must be in you first, to trigger recognition / resonance.


OK, so?

You obviously already have ‚it‚ in you,

So why not simply allow for this as a new normal for yourself.

Then simply watch things speed up for you.

Itis already in you, after all! 



You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!

It’s a subconscious cross-index of select  Doodles to

side-step your filters, that gets you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2:     If you Read only one: 87 Barriers


3 Cumulative Knowledge137 Easier Solutions189 Twin195 Four Stages

208 Perfect Instructions245 Go Fishing280 Filters355 Discarded Solutions

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