Do it

420 Complaints

Absolutely nothing is more useless than complaints, …sometimes.


Typical complaints:

 * The Weather

 * Traffic

 * City Noise/ lights

 * Prices

 * Income

 * Hurting yourself, etc.


Ok, so?

It is actually ‚good‘ to complain. (!)

It often acts as stress relief.

However if it’s about the same thing over and over, that’s no longer ‚good‘.

It builds stress rather than release it.


Again, so?

For your repetitive complaints, don’t – stop – there, 

ask others what their solution would be.

You will be surprised how one thing leads to another.


Try It!


You only wish reading one Doodle did it!

It’s a subconscious cross-index of select Doodles, to

side-step your filters, that gets you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2:   If you Read only one: 46 Always


40 So What!43 Desire45 Problems68 Concentration75 Same150 Rights

273 Propaganda285 Questions314 Almost341 Possible vs Probable

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