“The Universe is far bigger than the biggest ‘biggest’ you can imagine.”
Latest estimate: 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the observable universe.
The Drake equation says: (From 1,000 to) 100,000,000 civilizations.
Or, at best 1 civilization per 700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars (!)
Ok, so?
Assume instant travel. Go, thoroughly observe /record all the planet(s) around a star.
At only one hour per solar system = 8,760 stars /year.
Make 1 billion robots that also do this = 8,760,000,000,000 stars /year.
How many need you send to find a planet with one civilization of any type?
79,908,675,799 x one billion ships /robots.
How many would be a suitably advanced race?
What’s your return on investment?
Again, so?
The second they contact us they give us the plans to make ships.
And encourage us to do so.
Now they add our efforts to finding other civilizations.
Wouldn’t you?
Oh, yeah, I forgot, they are coming here to conquer us.
What a thought!
Associated Mental Doodles selected via Edward de Bono’s concept of lateral thinking:
1 Ferris Wheel – 24 The Wedge – 130 Collecting Solutions – 356 Sequence
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