Do it

364 Seven Years

My 7th year doing Doodles!

Here’s 10 Random Thoughts.

(Just to be different.)


1. You change at 7 year intervals.

Think how your thoughts /actions changed at 14 – 21 – 28 – 35 – 42 – 49 – 56 – 63 etc.

…give or take a year, either side.

So now you know when your next change is.    (All other Doodles in Change Category)


2. When Freedom exists, Equality doesn’t.

If I’m free to work more /harder than you, I earn more than you.    Insight Category


3. I can’t forgive you too quickly…

lest you think that it was not all that serious /important for me.    Façade Category


4. Sloppy at Money means you are always variously broke or in trouble.

It also means that you can always find some. And, in fact, you do!   Wealth Category


5. The biggest break-out-of-the-box: Allow yourself to be wrong.  Personal Growth Category


6. A totally open mind is open to all… including useless and circular.

To have any value or meaning YOU must choose /select /add /discern. Limitations Category


7. How extreme does your example have to be so you can prove your point. Worry Category


8. Every rule has its exception.

Also known as: The Future      Limitations Category


9. If you trade $1 you each still have $1.

Trade an idea then each of you now have 2.     Wealth Category


10.  Relax. You can’t say the wrong thing to the right person.    Communications Category


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