Do it

258 M or W

Almost everything is either an M or a W.

The left side of the M (or W) is January, the middle is July/August and the right December.
Tourism is a W.
High travel time is December/January and July/August.
Low travel times with the highest/best discounts are March/April and October/November.
Airlines and ships give discounts at these times.

Ok, so?
If business is low /slow in August (M), you have a couple of things you can do.
Go on vacation, take it easy and come back when things are up.
Keep going, knowing business is down, but not down to ’nothing‘.
I started in a business (an M) in 1967.
Montreal hosted Expo 67, a World’s Fair, over the summer months!
Within three years I was the first President of the first Canadian subsidiary of a world wide Corporate Group.
Guess whether I took the summer off.

So, determine whether your business /situation is an M or a W and then choose to ignore it.
And succeed.

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