Do it

325 More Questions

Questions are often more powerful – cause more effect – than statements because they get you to

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participate. To engage your self as part of the solution is the key. Sooo, Look over these questions and answer as many as seem relevant to you, in your life, now. First the classics: (see # 285) 1) What is the advantage to not getting what you want? Make up a ‚logical‘ answer. 2) What is the DIS-advantage to getting what you want? 3) What do you think you have to lose or give up to get what you want? Are you sure? New Ones: 4) Why do you think enjoying something means staying there? Eat enough chocolate and soon enough… 5) What will you do AFTER getting your goal? This gets you your goal! (see # 44) 6) If you have always paid your rent why are you still worried? 7) If you worked for you, would you: Fire you? Give you a raise? 8) What would I recommend, …to me? 9) If what you’ve tried doesn’t work, why repeat it? 10) If you hate haters what does that make you? These are Related: # 12 Change21 Interpretation45 Problems57 Helicopter58 Needs189 Twin

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