A great source of concern for many is “The Future”
The great unknown.
It could go any-way, do any-thing.
Will I be safe?
The answer is easy:
Look Back.
So far it has always worked out, right?
Oh yes it has !
Not always what you wanted, but what was right and correct for you.
Despite what you initially asked for.
Guitarist broke his wrist and could no longer play.
Not the future he asked for!
He became a world famous composer. (Theme from: A Summer Place, etc.)
Someone double-crossed me in a business… which ended up closed!
I went into another field and did very well for over 20 years.
So, The Future will be… what it always is:
A series of events that work out for your best.
Proof: Look Back.
These are Related:
# 2 Normal Luck – 20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge – 21 Interpretation – 51 Hindsight – 59 Hesitation
106 Plan B – 196 Past, Present & Future – 259 Don’t Stop – 293 Life – 297 Circles & Spirals
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