Is that guy ever an idiot!
How does one find good help?
I wonder why they don’t fire him /her.
Ignore your first 20 years which are mostly for your own growth.
Age 21 on really starts your years of experience.
Ok, so?
Well if you’re 45 and hire someone who’s 25, you’re not quite twice their age…
yet you have 25 years experience compared to their 5.
You have 5 times more experience than them.
Same if you’re 55 and hire a 35 year old.
You have 35 years experience to their 15.
More than twice as much.
It isn’t harder and harder to ‘find’ people who are competent.
It just seems so.
Because you unconsciously compare your current self to them.
Stop expecting ‘a lot’ from someone who simply does not have your experience.
(It sure works with family & friends!)
To reinforce this, read any 2 below:
# 3 Cumulative Knowledge – 20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge – 35 One + One = Two!
36 Prime Time – 77 Nine Cows – 140 Making Progress – 162 Consider the Source
This is a good one
Hi George ,
Hope you are well – I love receiving your mental doodles . I look upon them as my self checker – certainly makes me think twice ( or more) about my actions and views .