The person ‘attacking’ always considers attacking appropriate.
So ignore that person (!)
What causes you to decide to defend yourself against an attack?
Wisdom is to first determine when you are not being attacked.
A 5 year-old screams at you on the sidewalk as you walk by.
Is this an attack?
OK, now let’s make it a 6 year old. Is this…?
How about a 7 year old? Eight? At what year do you decide to let this situation trigger you.
How about a 17 year old? Ah, I forgot to mention, yes the 17 year old is screaming at you, from his wheelchair. Or not a wheelchair, but her parents just died yesterday, and you remind her of one of them.
How about if you….
Is there really some point where things change from their external attempts /stimulus, to your internal choice, desire? Why? How does that serve you?
Just slightly lengthen the trigger point a bit. Say to yourself, this time I’ll wait a bit longer before defending myself.
Certain philosophies say, “Consider the source.” That’s useful too.
You only wish reading one Doodle did it!
It’s a subconscious cross-index of select Doodles, to
side-step your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2: If you Read only one: 14 Eliminating Triggers
# 7 Disaster – 11 Feedback – 18 Being Triggered – 22 Attitude – 27 Responses
40 So What! – 118 Right! – 132 Taking it Personally – 145 NO Feedback
146 Always Right – 151 Revenge – 255 Prepare, Defend – 278 I Am – 338 Me First
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