I almost got a ticket the other day.
I almost missed my stop /exit.
A car almost ran me down.
I was walking along and it roared right by me. It was a close call.
But you were on a sidewalk!
Yes, but it was close.
We tend to translate everyday possibilities to seem like they are actually happening to us.
Ok, so?
Do you plan too much on what-if /almost /just-in-case?
Ease off on your self /project.
And watch things speed up.
After all, what exactly happens when you miss the plane /bus /train, whatever?
Nothing. You reschedule.
These are Related:
# 2 Normal Luck – 7 Disaster – 8 Problem Solving – 40 So What! – 194 F.E.A.R.
244 Everything and Nothing – 253 Just-in-Case – 255 Prepare, Defend – 257 Unknown
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