Do it

356 Sequence

When things are in sequence, you don’t have to be.

Looking up Zarbosky by starting at the letter ‘A’ is a total waste of time.

On the other hand, if it’s not alphabetical, the very first name could easily be Zarbosky.

So when things are not in sequence, you must be.


So many things I try not to forget involve others who will not let me forget.

(ie: Owing someone money)

I have no concern things will „go wrong“ should I forget.


Stuck? Check the sequence.

I don’t do Sequence well, but my partner is excellent at sequence.

I’m the hero when it comes to ignoring Sequence.




To reinforce this, read any 2 below:


# 9 Worry32 Red Light, Green Light54 Self57 Helicopter78 Process

111 ABC’s of Life185 First, Get Alive207 Begin, Middle, End238 First

277 Water on Floor338 Me First

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