Do it

424 Percentages

This one is simple.

Yes = 100%

No = 0%


NOTHING is ever 100% or 0%

You would even kill someone (typically a no = 100%)

if you knew you would save a thousand others.


Ok, so?

Every time you think of something you ‚know‘ is a yes = 100% (or no = 0%) you obviously have a bias, barrier, programming etc.

More to the point, you are brainwashed in that subject — 

because the percentages are always other than 100% or 0%.


Again, so?

When something comes up that gives you some difficulties,

that’s the time and the subject you need to apply this approach to.

How could this become more than 0% or less than 100%?


That type of thinking is what gets you out of the situation you are in.


Try It!


To reinforce this, read at least 2:   If you Read only one: 109 Understanding


21 Interpretation – 62 Context78 Process79 Truth Time90 Good/Bad

174 Good/Bad Part 2182 Grey296 The 3rd Option384 Sometimes

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