Do it

328 Double Placebo

Chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, Parkinson’s, and many other ailments respond robustly to placebos.


OK, so?

A recent fMRI study shows placebo reduces pain-related activity in the spinal cord.

Placebo effects extend beyond the brain. (Science 326)

(I agree, I walked on hot coals in 1985)


Interesting, but still…

Two recent antidepressant trials show a doubling in placebo response since the 1980s. (!)

„It’s not that the old meds are getting weaker,“ drug developers say.

„It’s as if the placebo effect is somehow getting stronger.“


Now you got me!

Get /re-activate a hobby

Use the Internet… find You Tube jokes to run in the background.

Take time to cook, read, etc.

and don’t be surprised when your whole psyche quickly acts as a giant Placebo and actually causes you greater well-being.


Consider the alternative!


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94 Increasing Vitality245 Go Fishing246 Environment253 Just-in-Case302 Party Time


  1. Hi George…. I love this and so good to be able to quote the MRI scan. Amazing. It’s so lovely to watch people enjoying living again … And to watch them and their bodies look and feel younger.

  2. Good thinking George.
    Best wishes,


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