All too often I forget people have their own ideas, their own life, their own … everything.
That’s when Me Messages come into play,
If you don’t like what people say to you then rather than attack or keep silent, try a Me Message:
„I feel bad /hurt about what you are saying to me now.“
And then no matter how they reply, just repeat.
„That may be so, but I just want you to know I feel hurt about what you are saying to me now.“
NOT „I don’t appreciate, I dislike, etc.“
More like „I hurt because of this.“
There is no defense when no one attacks.
And if you send a Me Message you are NOT attacking.
You are not even defending — which is a form of attack.
You simply state your feelings of hurt. Period.
Again, Too simple?
Without even trying it?
These are Related:
# 7 Disaster – 13 Changing Change – 27 Responses – 105 Silent Additions
162 Consider the Source – 267 Strangers & Ships – 320 Description vs Judgment
Another excellent one, George. Thanks!
Jeanne G