Do it

249 Xxx x Xxxxx

It’s just as much effort and cost:


To type ‚Xxx x Xxxxx‘, as to type meaningful stuff.

To make a movie with one scene, one actor, saying one word over and over.

To create /distribute a magazine with one photo, one sentence over and over.

To send this email with nothing meaningful in it, etc.


OK, so?

Do you do the same thing over and over…

And, because it is a lot of work and effort,

you somehow expect something more from that work and effort.


Well, would you pay for a one word /scene movie, no matter what the cost to make?

Neither will others pay you.


Considering it’s basically the same amount of trouble and cost,

why not add value to yourself and what you do.

Start in a small way and see what happens.

A smile, a courtesy, speaking up, offering suggestions…



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117 Gold Mine 160 Combination 163 When I Grow Up 165 Cause & Effects

220 Digging Ditches 222 The Difference 242 Gentleman

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