Do it

395 Fake it

The full statement is „Fake it, till you make it.“


And it works!

Because you just do not believe enough in yourself. 

So you need deception to your current belief 

but not deception to the real functioning of the self.


Also, Fake it includes eliminating fears.

Acting ‚as if‘ oft times shows you a way to do the very thing you were sure 

you could not do.

„Well, I’ll be…!“

What you are doing is causing yourself to be open to the possibility of change.

The probability of seeing what actually is there and not only what you believe is there.

Any relationship – business or personal – can be changed in a moment. 

Decision is the key.


What one word symbolizes success for yourself?

Most answers describe what success will give you: easing of the present.

But it’s the present that’s driving you in the direction of success!


Redefine that one success word to also include what you have in yourself at present,

and build.

All it requires is one small OK to build on.


Success is incremental.



Remember, Life has no remote, you have to actually do it.


The Doodles below are specifically chosen to help do this!


You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!

It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles

to side-step‘ your filters, that gets you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2  If you Read only one: 54 Self


3 Cumulative Knowledge22 Attitude34 Thinking Positively Negative38 Carrier Wave

41 Elephants 58 Needs78 Process82 Limitations108 Emotions

113 Success116 Façade141 Imagine143 Progression Part 2 152 Just Do It 

176 „1-2-3“180 Reverse It191 Ability209 One Second or One Year245 Go Fishing

251 Rough Diamond280 Filters289 Don’t / Can’t290 Seeds384 Sometimes

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