Twins fall off a raft in the middle of a lake, one on each side.
The mother is still on the raft.
Neither twin can swim.
She can only save ONE twin.
Which does she save? EASY!!
FIRST you MUST ignore that no solution is ‘acceptable’ or ‘ideal’.
This is the foundation of the solution to dilemmas.
THEN look at them flailing.
One of them is ‘flailing’ closer to the raft than the other one.
That’s the one you have a fractionally better chance of saving.
You hesitate because the whole situation is unacceptable, no matter what you do.
However the situation, which is uneven, self determines which is the increasingly
obvious option. Until all options but two — or, if you wait long enough, just one, is
left. Then you must act on that or have that action/decision imposed on you.
Then you say to friends and family, « I had no choice. »
Just how much heartache happens is a function of how slow things change and /or
how hesitant you are. However things do eventually change to become so obvious.
(aka: Hindsight)
So, is the solution to your current problem obvious yet?
UNacceptable, of course! But then, that’s the whole point!
I repeat:
FIRST you MUST ignore that no solution is ‘ideal’.
The longer you wait, the less advantage you give yourself.
You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!
It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles
to ‘side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2 below: If you Read only one
5 Decision – 7 Disaster – 10 Progress It – 15 K.I.S.S.
22 Attitude – 27 Responses 30 Ever-changing Relationships
32 Red Light, Green Light – 37 Or Its Equivalent 41 Elephants
42 Leadership – 59 Hesitation – 69 Labels – 79 Truth Time – 104 Power
How the Hell does that work?
And how come you appear in my inbox when I am in the middle of that decision?
You always did spook me out.
Jan x