A child observes their parents are warm and loving, after an argument.
And learns to create an argument, …to get love and warmth!
To supposedly solve the problem, simply continues the problem.
Why talk to self? I’m lonely & it helps.
Talk to self even more should make you even less lonely.
Except no one wants to talk to someone who always talks to themself.
To supposedly solve the problem, simply continues the problem.
Feel ignored? Then you do something to be noticed.
Make a mistake, spill something, tell jokes, brag, etc.
We all learned a way to solve our problem(s).
Have I mentioned that this simply continues the problem?
And makes your life extremely repetitive.
There are simple ways to really and truly solve this.
And actually improve your whole life.
Remember, Life has no remote, you have to actually do it.
The Doodles below are specifically chosen to help do this!
You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!
It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles
to side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2: If you Read only one: 46 Always
# 12 Change – 13 Changing Change – 14 Eliminating Triggers – 18 Being Triggered
27 Responses – 31 Being at-Cause – 35 One + One = Two! – 66 Opposites
86 Don’t be Yourself! – 87 Barriers – 96 Habits – 102 Response-ability – 127 Not-Me
146 Always Right – 157 Self Assembly – 175 Self Worth – 245 Go Fishing – 246 Environment
343 One-Way Street – 346 Crazy /Different – 348 Volume Control
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