This formula applies to many, many things.
To completely stop (…smoking, biting your nails, snacking, etc.) without side effects:
1 Do not (smoke, snack, etc.) before 6 am.
2 Every Sunday, extend this by 15 minutes.
So week two, you can (smoke, etc.) after 6:15 am.
And so on, every week 15 minutes later.
(Not 30 minutes, speed is not the issue!)
I was often seen looking at my watch, waiting for the exact time I could (smoke, in my case).
Of course that made every day a victory.
As a result, some people ‘suddenly’ stop completely, after a couple of ‘hours’ /months.
Others take the whole day and sometimes (me!) the evening, before they stop.
Yes, it took me a little over a year, but it was permanent.
Annnd, you have to want to.
To cut down (smoking, snacking, etc.):
Just put your (cigarettes, candies, etc.) as far away as possible (ie: on a top shelf in a closet)
Then get one whenever you want.
Just one.
Repeat whenever you want one.
Get just one.
This simple inconvenience cuts (smoking, snacking, etc.) down by 25% – 35%.
Have I mentioned? …You have to want to.
These are related:
# 11 Feedback – 24 The Wedge – 73 Killing Frogs – 96 Habits – 133 Plenty of Peas – 149 The End
176 “1 – 2 – 3” – 282 If It Is To Be…
This was very good. I used the patch. over 20 years ago, and it worked, of course I wanted to stop. Which as you said is the biggest item to hurdle. Once you get there is just seems to work.
Thanks for the mental doodles, I really enjoy them.
This looks really good, George! I can see myself actually doing this, so thank you for this excellent suggestion.