Do you mind digging ditches?
„Not if the pay is good.“
Alright, then dig this ditch. It should take a few days.
„OK, the ditch is dug.“
Do you want more work?
Then fill up the ditch.
„Are you sure?“
„OK, it’s your money.“
(A few days later) „OK, that’s done, now what.“
Dig it up again.
Do you want the job or not?
„Well, sure, but this is silly. All I’m doing is digging and filling the same ditch over and over.“
So why say this.
Our work may seem repetitive but we see it as digging deeper / longer.
Not as dig, refill, dig, refill, etc.
Whatever you’re doing in life has meaning to you or you would not be doing it.
Then again, maybe it used to have meaning yet you find yourself still doing it.
Hmmm, review time?
To reinforce this read any two below:
# 10 Progress It – 12 Change – 29 Who’s in Charge? – 30 Ever-changing Relationships
32 Red Light, Green Light – 33 Solving a 5 – 37 Or Its Equivalent – 41 Elephants
46 Always – 54 Self – 57 Helicopter – 59 Hesitation – 64 Natural Talents – 106 Plan B
127 Not-Me – 134 Sand Bags & Bricks – 149 The End – 157 Self Assembly
168 Creating Desire – 172 Sky or Steel? – 210 Second Thing
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