Do it

221 External Illusions

When I go to a movie I allow this ‚External Illusion‘ to dominate me.

I laugh, cry, etc.

After, I might even comment on it with friends.

For a time.

But I know this ‚External Illusion‘ is not my reality.


Just like a movie,

dramas are created by others (family, friends) over a great deal of time

and presented to me all-at-once.

And while I am with them, I allow this ‚External Illusion‘ to dominate me.


However, sometimes we ourselves create a drama/movie over time

and externalize it as if it was not created by self.

We see it as „other“ than our own creation, and therefore almost impossible to change.


If it’s mine, I can always change it.


Time to accept response-ability for your own creation(s).



To reinforce this read any two below:

#  22 Attitude 27 Responses 46 Always 54 Self 57 Helicopter 68 Concentration

70 Conclusions 102 Response-ability 118 Right! 127 Not-Me 132 Taking it Personally

145 NO Feedback 162 Consider the Source 184 Outside In

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