Do it

208 Perfect Instructions

The Perfect Instructions are your emotions.

Good feeling = do more.

Bad feeling = stop.

That’s it.

Everything else is complexity. „But what if I smack / kill someone?“

BS! You would not ‚feel good‘ doing that.

Well, some people would.

True, does that mean we can act only when everyone in the whole world has the same feeling for the same act?

Impossible. (See # 124 One Person)

My mother would put a mixed bowl of nuts out and when I went for just the cashews she would stop me.

I really, really like cashews. One day I bought a big bag of cashews, and ate them all.

And felt sick.

Yet my „feelings“ were good until I had my ‚fill‘. Then, and only then, my feelings changed to not-good.

I did not listen to my feelings.


But it was me who ignored the Perfect Instructions that were there.

Not the Instructions that failed.

Listen to your Instructions. They never lead you wrong.

Then, by doing those things which give you good feelings all the time,

YOU feel good all the time.


To reinforce this read any two below:

# 40 So What! 43 Desire 52 Correct Decisions 55 Oxygen 63 Free Will 108 Emotions

113 Success 189 Twin


  1. Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the mdinight oil.

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