Do it

52 Correct Decisions

Ever had a problem making a decision because you just don’t know if it’s the ‘right’ one? This simple method has served me well over the years:
No matter what, you must FIRST make a decision, THEN check your feelings.


Yes, yes, I know, you’re not sure about what decision to make and that’s why you hesitate.
Yet go ahead anyways and make a firmmental’ decision. After a firm decision, your feelings are much stronger and give the guidance you want.


A salesperson comes to your door.
After the sales pitch you’re still undecided. It sounds good, but…
That’s exactly when you make a firm decision.
“This product is good for me.”
THEN check your feelings. If yes, act accordingly.
If still unsure, try again a different way.
“There is something the salesperson is not saying.”
Yes! That’s it.
Then ask the salesperson about that.


The method is always the same but the firm decisions vary.
“I am going to the movies with him /her next week.”
THEN check your feelings.


“I can trust him /her.”
THEN check your feelings.


“I don’t need to do this extra work.”
THEN check your feelings.

These are related:
3 Cumulative Knowledge11 Feedback17 Impossible Decisions24 The Wedge
35 One + One = Two!39 Increasing Intuition51 Hindsight57 Helicopter59 Hesitation
60 Patterns63 Free Will76 Increasing Awareness79 Truth Time
81 Second Impressions87 Barriers


  1. Like this one too.

  2. I would add to this commentary by saying that even after you’ve made a firm decision and you’ve checked your feelings, you can still make the “wrong” decision if you aren’t being truthful with yourself… but never worry… you can always correct the problem once you stop lying to yourself.

    Thanks for the mental doodles – I enjoy them!!!

    Carla Brasier

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