Do it

30 Ever-Changing Relationships

We are a relationship, ever-changing.   Me and my body, ever-changing. My and my partner, ever-changing. Me and my parents, … [Read more...]

31 Being At-Cause

When you spill something you simply clean it up. You know you are at-cause of this. When someone feels bad over something you say, you … [Read more...]

48 Saying No

The villagers took a round about way to their place of worship because of the snake. Finally the headman went to the Holy man and explained … [Read more...]

67 Personal Nag

Nobody likes a nag. (A person who keeps ‘bothering /reminding' you over & over again.) A parent is often like that.   But … [Read more...]

69 Labels

A drunk and his drug-taking companion go to an adoption agency. They are turned down. Nine months later they have a child. And they're … [Read more...]

71 Nice

A visitor /repairman came to fix my (elaborate!) Television. Because of missing parts and trouble with customs he ended up staying 3 … [Read more...]

81 Second Impressions

Someone at a reception smiled a hello and shook my hand warmly. Later I saw him sneering at one of the waiters. And, later still, talking … [Read more...]

99 Perfection!

You don't want to be perfect.   I knew a lady who did not speak English 'properly'. She would say "Hi, youse guys" when greeting … [Read more...]

101 Relationships

All relationships add up to 100%. Relationships work best and last longest when they're balanced.   I learned everything there … [Read more...]

120 Give & Take

Many years ago when I smoked, a friend offered me a Cuban cigar (Legal in Canada!). He only had two left. If I took one - and he did - … [Read more...]

134 Sand Bags & Bricks

There are different uses for Sand Bags and Bricks. Sand Bags are basically used for Temporary situations. Floods are the easiest to … [Read more...]

148 A Wife is a…

A person has multi facets. Think of a cog wheel. All those cogs represent different subjects in that person’s life. And when two … [Read more...]

150 Rights

My wife called to ask when I was coming home because she had a particularly good meal planned and didn’t want to overcook it. I promised … [Read more...]

151 Revenge

Often we harbor Resentment for something someone did to us. Or didn't do! A sleight in front of others, no credit when credit was due, etc. … [Read more...]

155 Do Not Disturb

Wilma came to my Self-Improvement class in a wheelchair. After two days she left the chair and walked around by herself! Oh, she was … [Read more...]

156 Hold it!

“Sorry, I guess I overreacted.” (Familiar words?) Of course you did. You held it in, and held it in, and held... etc. Why? Because … [Read more...]

160 Combination

The secret is almost always to find the right combination.   To succeed you need the right combination of People, Product, … [Read more...]

162 Consider the Source

My best friend always gives me advice. On almost everything. But when I consider the source, I discount almost everything he says.   … [Read more...]

169 Scaffold

Think of your role in everything you do, every interaction you have, every person you meet, with every family member, as being only one … [Read more...]

175 Self Worth

A friend of mine was overly attentive with people. One day he fainted in front of a group visiting him. He ended up in the hospital, … [Read more...]

179 Mirror

Don't be a mirror.   Why wait three days to answer his email? Because he waited three days to answer mine!   Why … [Read more...]

184 Outside In

Things from the 'outside' (world) influence you. Outside In. Or are influenced by you. Inside Out.   Obvious. So why say … [Read more...]

189 Twin

Consultants are effective. They come into a company, look around, then give advice that works. We don't take that advice because we … [Read more...]

192 Flow Tubes

Picture a bunch of tubes in the air, similar to telephone lines going from pole to pole. Lots and lots and lots of them in the air … [Read more...]

198 Repetition

When you respond the exact same way to every situation then you are not responding to events, you are establishing sameness. ie: … [Read more...]

202 Compliments

We stood and formed two rows, as asked. "Now give each other a sincere compliment."   Fat chance that's going to work, I … [Read more...]

204 Apologize /Forgive

They are the same thing. To not Apologize /Forgive someone is to indicate you have a reason not to. My friend never forgave her … [Read more...]

205 Compliment an Equal

All too often we forget just how ritual-istic Compliments are. Especially if an 'inferior' pays a compliment to a 'superior' (ie: Child … [Read more...]

219 Control

Not being in control of something does not mean it’s out of control. It simply means you are not the one doing the controlling. Take the … [Read more...]

226 Assertiveness

Taxi drivers in New York City are a realistic bunch. To drive in one of the busiest cities in the world, you do what works. And what … [Read more...]

242 Gentleman

A gentleman and his nephew walk on the wooden sidewalk on their way to worship. A lady comes along wearing her finest dress. The man … [Read more...]

243 The 98%

In a very nice hotel while on African safari, there was a sign on my dresser top that said 'Thou Shall Not Tempt.'   And I … [Read more...]

264 Charge & Pay

A friend of mine in England asked me to buy him an 'American' wallet /billfold. "Why?" "They are designed for American money which is less … [Read more...]

267 Strangers & Ships

I am not as comfortable with you as I'd like to be. Oh, why is that? Well, you sort of act like a stranger to /with me. Hmmm, how … [Read more...]

268 51/49

This ratio is a key to success. Yet so very few follow it. The two main aspects of business /marriage /leadership etc. are Relationships … [Read more...]

270 Hamburgers

To make a hamburger you always start with the bun. Then you put some condiments ( mustard, relish, onions etc.) Then the meat. Then … [Read more...]

274 Lawyers & Virgins

I was with a couple of 'lawyers' (barristers) eating a hamburger. This place offered 'free' refills for your drink. So they only ordered … [Read more...]

281 Ask, Speak

Take turns rather than always be the one to Ask or Speak.   Even in an interview. Are you married? Children? How much … [Read more...]

286 Bias

He sat in a straight backed chair, in a quiet room, dressed in a three piece suit, with an appropriate back light and read … [Read more...]

306 Parent-ing

Parents in China are all extremely well respected. And obeyed. After all, they know best. Years and years of experience, … [Read more...]

311 Telling Lies

Yes, of course I lie. So do you.   In fact, I bet everyone lies in every country.   "Am I fat?" "Am I … [Read more...]

320 Description vs Judgement

There is a difference between Description and Judgment. With Description you say almost anything you want and mean absolutely nothing by … [Read more...]

322 Prayer

Prayer usually means negotiating /trading something God ‘wants’ that you would not otherwise give Him, for something you want He would not … [Read more...]

333 Me Message

All too often I forget people have their own ideas, their own life, their own ... everything.   That's when Me Messages come into … [Read more...]

357 Recipes

Do you always use the same 'recipe' no matter what you do? The fact this particular recipe works well in one situation does not make it work … [Read more...]

363 Ages of Experience

Is that guy ever an idiot! How does one find good help? I wonder why they don't fire him /her.   Ignore your first 20 years … [Read more...]

376 Nice People

1. You are a nice person. 2. You tend to respond to the mood & subject of the person at hand. 3. So   do   they. OK, so? Here you … [Read more...]

393 Endless

A child observes their parents are warm and loving, after an argument. And learns to create an argument, get love and … [Read more...]

440 Reverse Sense

Would you say to a three year old:   Please play with the stove.   And while you are at it, stick your fingers in the electric socket.   … [Read more...]

441 Some Never Lies

The entire world is based on Lies.Most of the time we don't care because it does not affect us personally. Ok, so?What to do when it … [Read more...]

461 Sum Total

People trigger each other with things that, when taken separately, are quite irrelevant.   Each person ADDS what happens to their … [Read more...]

474 It’s all Relative

Ever wonder what it's be like to be rich? Simple: First round out your yearly income. (ie: $48,568 becomes $50,000 etc.) Next … [Read more...]

477 Let Me Listen to Me

Which one do you think works best when interacting with others? * Let Me Listen OR * Listen to Me (ie: Let me give you some advice. … [Read more...]

482 Projectors

My wife and I rarely agree on anything. (Even after 48 years!) When we agree on something it's usually because it can withstand our … [Read more...]

487 Warmth

If there is no ‘warmth’ between two people there is no reason for them to be together. My friend and I debate a lot of various stuff when … [Read more...]