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134 Sand Bags & Bricks

There are different uses for Sand Bags and Bricks.
Sand Bags are basically used for Temporary situations.
Floods are the easiest to imagine.


Bricks are for more Permanent use.
Building a house, for example.


If someone makes you mad and you ‘ban’ them forever that’s using a Brick in a Sand Bag situation.
Or you ‘always‘ remember what they said when they were mad at you = Brick.
If you hurt yourself once and are now always doubly careful = Brick in Sand Bag event.
And the reverse is also true.
If you’re always broke and borrow money from a friend every week or so, that’s Sand Bag actions in a Brick situation.


Ok, so?
You build your life based on these decisions.
You can also easily see what a person (start with you!) has built their life from.


As things happen, ask yourself whether you ‘should’ be using Sand Bags or Bricks in each particular case.
It’s a simple check with long-lasting results.



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