Do it

262 Water Pump

Water waits to be pumped up for our use.


It is not mean, nor does it have anything against you.
The water responds exactly to your actions.
No more, and NO less.


And that’s where you don’t get it.


Start pumping /working and the water starts to rise. Results start to happen.


Keep on working — with no (visible!) results and the water keeps rising.
However the instant you stop pumping, the water starts to recede.
Sick? Tired? Discouraged? Fed Up?
It doesn’t matter, the water recedes.


When you get ‚motivated‘ and try again, the work is the same as the first time you pumped the water.
And you say „This is never going to work. Here I am, my sixth time pumping, and still no results.
Nothing is happening.“


So, what do successful people do, that you don’t?
They   don’t   stop   pumping.
No matter the reason.


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