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What do these people have in common: Abraham Lincoln Andrew Carnegie George Eastman (Kodak) Marshall Field
Henry Ford Johns Hopkins Howard Johnson W.K. Kellogg Ray Kroc (McDonalds) Louis Chevrolet Max Factor Colonel Sanders (KFC) Richard Sears Matthew Vassar John Deere Thomas Edison Charles Goodyear Candido Jacuzzi Allan Lockheed Orville Wright Linus Yale (lock) Frank Lloyd Wright Mark Twain Ben Franklin They all dropped out or never attended… high school. ( Thanks to Jay G. Williams, Hamilton College, for this list – 24 of 164) OK, so? How long does it take to learn all the words of a song you like? All the stats of a sport you like? Or a Hobby. Higher Education is not necessary to succeed… You like is! To reinforce this, read at least 2 below: # 3 Cumulative Knowledge20 The ‚Gift‘ of Knowledge25 How Old Are You? 64 Natural Talents85 Babies113 Success123 Ignorance130 Collecting Solutions 140 Making Progress208 Perfect Instructions232 Justify233 Input298 Maps

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