Do it

344 3 Weeks

At 16  I was invited to a corn roast.

I hated corn.

But the girl who invited me was wonderful.

So I ate a little bit of corn each day.

And thought wonderful thoughts about her while doing so.

I started to appreciate the Taste, then the Texture, then …etc.

Soon I could eat an entire ear of corn and actually enjoy it.


It takes 3 weeks to go from I-hate-it to I-like-it. (See # 176)

That’s all it takes.


Ok, so?

Well there are many foods you ‘should’ eat you probably do not like and think you never will.

Have I mentioned it takes only 3 weeks to change that?


Don’t forget the reverse.

There are many foods you should NOT eat that you like.

Choose only one (to start)

Become extremely fussy with it.

Notice its minor flaws in taste, texture, etc…

In 3 weeks you will just not want to eat it.


And that’s not a long time compared to how long you have been eating it!


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