The solution to fear is to Imagine it.
Why? Because your mind cannot tell the difference from outer input: your five senses;
and inner input: your Imagination.
There is a saying:
Walking somewhere once does not make a trail.
Neither does avoiding it.
Ok, so?
Use your Imagine ability to create a well worn pathway of non-fear.
If you are afraid of Elevators and tend to walk up the stairs, instead:
Find a comfortable seat. Relax.
Imagine entering an elevator and look around in the elevator.
Notice the other people there. The way they are, relaxed, comfortable, bored, etc.
See yourself doing the very thing you fear in such a way as to train yourself to the alternative view from your fear. Imagine /see /believe /understand /sense the truth that everything is all right while doing this very thing I fear.
Do this once in the morning and once in the evening, every day, at the same time each day.
Within a couple of days, — a week or two at most (!) — you will find that your reason for fearing, whatever, has started to fade away. Now, that fear seems no longer so formidable. You are starting to create an alternate pathway regarding that fear.
Without fully realizing it, one day you will find yourself encountering that very fear, and wonder why you ever had any fear regarding it.
Just Imagine!
Select Doodles: # 10 Progress It
# 11 Feedback – 14 Eliminating Triggers – 96 Habits – 395 Fake It
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