When do you answer the telephone?
Only after /when it rings, and more than once.
If it rings only once you don’t answer.
When do you open the door?
Only after someone knocks.
If I knock on your door only once,
you may dismiss it as something else.
However if I knock 3 or 4 times in-a-row then you get the message.
The unmistakable message that someone is at the door.
Not the wind, not a mishearing.
In everyday life you may want to speak to someone, or have something happen, yet you just wait for it. Hoping.
Rather than knocking. Three times. In-a-row.
Think about what you want. More direct, repetitive action gets it for you sooner than waiting and hoping.
These are related:
11 Feedback – 16 Follow Up – 35 One + One = Two! – 59 Hesitation
67 Personal Nag – 89 Initiating – 102 Response-ability
Hello George,
Thank you for sending me your Symagi Insights. This is one I have read more than once.
I am one of your former Weekender Consultants, and am now a manufacturer’s rep with CMA (Calif. Manufacturers Associates).
Best wishes,
Hi George – thanks for this (related to today’s mailing)…great. After Weekenders for 14 years, my new younger range was a real challenge and (because I am old!) I only asked once. Having asked again, got over £900 of sales!
Best wishes to you and yours.