Imagine being at a red light and the driver does not go when the light turns green."Go, the light is green," you would say."Ah," he replies, … [Read more...]
37 …oder etwas Gleichwertiges
Du weißt nicht, was Du willst! Für einen 7-jährigen bedeutet mehr Eiscreme das Paradies, für einen 17-jährigen mehr Mädchen. Und so weiter. … [Read more...]
68 Konzentration
Du bist sehr effektiv, wenn Du dich konzentrierst. Die Dinge scheinen sich zu vergrößern und Du siehst viel klarer. Und Du löst leichter … [Read more...]
69 Produktnamen (Marken/Labels)
Ein Säufer und seine drogensüchtige Gefährtin gehen zu einer Adoptionsagentur. Sie werden abgelehnt. Neun Monate später bekommen sie … [Read more...]
74 Dein eigenes Wunder bestimmen
Ich möchte ein Haus. Ich möchte Geld, um das Haus zu kaufen. Ich möchte das Geld borgen. Ich möchte, dass mir die Bank das Geld … [Read more...]
82 Grenzen
Ich renne nie schneller als ich kann, sonst würde ich stolpern und hinfallen. Damit das auf keinen Fall geschieht, bleibe ich sogar ein … [Read more...]
87 Barrieren
Eine Ziegelmauer hält ein Auto auf aber keinen Schmetterling. Aber ein Schmetterlingsnetz kann es. Ein kugelsicheres Glas hält eine … [Read more...]
96 Gewohnheiten
Du kannst mit einer Gewohnheit nicht brechen. Die neuesten Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass wir die Muster /Pfade, die eine Gewohnheit … [Read more...]
119 Gangschaltung
Was immer Du glaubst, dass du fähig wärst zu tun, du glaubst jedoch nicht dass du mehr als das leisten kannst, sozusagen. Nun hast du … [Read more...]
172 Himmel oder Gitter?
Zwei Menschen im Gefängnis. Einer sagt: „Schau dir diesen Himmel an.“ Der andere sagt: „ Was kümmert‘s mich. Wir sind im Gefängnis. … [Read more...]
183 Der Magier
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English und Français verfügbar. … [Read more...]
205 Compliment an Equal
All too often we forget just how ritual-istic Compliments are. Especially if an 'inferior' pays a compliment to a 'superior' (ie: Child … [Read more...]
224 200%
What you now do = 100% And you want more. There is no more time (24 hours/day) So you must re-decide priorities. And then do the impossible … [Read more...]
258 M or W
Almost everything is either an M or a W. The left side of the M (or W) is January, the middle is July/August and the right … [Read more...]
264 Charge & Pay
A friend of mine in England asked me to buy him an 'American' wallet /billfold. "Why?" "They are designed for American money which is less … [Read more...]
275 Hitler in New York
Hitler walks down the street in New York City and says "Follow me!" A few people do. Some yell obscenities at him. Lots take his … [Read more...]
280 Filters
Your mind automatically records everything. Everything! However before accessing this data your mind goes through a filter that states … [Read more...]
283 How To DO It
No one can actually do it for you. But these ways of thinking can really help you do it for yourself. (Ask yourself serious … [Read more...]
289 Don’t / Can’t
A person who doesn't is no different /better than a person who can't. If you don't read you might as Think ! caveat generic cialis milled … [Read more...]
291 Reverse
Careful, you might be trapped by this. And not know it. Everything, when pushed to its limit automatically 'reverses'. People A cautious … [Read more...]
295 Out-of-The-Box
This 9 year old uses cardboard boxes and out-of-the-box thinking. And gets out-of-the-box results! He takes left over cardboard boxes from … [Read more...]
298 Maps
The value of a good map is what it ... leaves out. If a map did not leave anything out it would be the … [Read more...]
299 Yellow & Blue
Two beams /thoughts /actions, Yellow & Blue (each by themselves acceptable) intersect /interact. This causes Green. What if Green … [Read more...]
300 Mind & Memory
My Hamburgers Doodle (# 270) got lots of comment yet is really just basic communications. So here's a basic on Mind & … [Read more...]
301 How to Stop
This formula applies to many, many things. To completely stop (...smoking, biting your nails, snacking, etc.) without side … [Read more...]
304 Double & Half
I visit China to open a business. It takes me Double the time it should to get Half the results... at first. Then it progresses to … [Read more...]
305 Two Mountains
One mountain is 'normal' -- the other is absolutely smooth. You can't climb an absolutely smooth mountain. Yet you … [Read more...]
314 Almost
I almost got a ticket the other day. I almost missed my stop /exit. A car almost ran me down. I was walking … [Read more...]
324 10%
This is the distortion between what you say and the # of times it's repeated. The first time it's repeated = 90% accurate Then 80% … [Read more...]
326 Unhappy
I hate my job /personal partner, etc. Then change it. I can't. I am not sure I would end up better. What if the company … [Read more...]
327 Rejection
A rejection becomes relevant only when your action /non-action makes it so. If everyone agreed with the rejections of so-called experts, how … [Read more...]
328 Double Placebo
Chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, Parkinson's, and many other ailments respond robustly to placebos. OK, so? A recent fMRI … [Read more...]
330 Barriers vs Filters
I wash my hands before eating = Filter I must wash my hands before eating = Barrier When camping you would get very hungry! No … [Read more...]
337 Sell /Buy
He really, really wanted to buy the Newspaper Empire. But he was crafty! So he offered several Hundreds of Millions less than it was … [Read more...]
349 Confusion is Good
Con (as in Pro & Con) means 'against' Fusion means to join, become part of. So to be in Confusion means to not be able to join the … [Read more...]
358 Emotional Muscles
This oneMy is... Reccommend "shop" They much doxycycline for sale no prescription softer-than-usual like the clopidogrel 65mg adding … [Read more...]
359 SELF Help
This is an ugly one! Because I remind you nothing happens unless you make it happen. Even Instant coffee - with 99% of the … [Read more...]
367 Commitment
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and … [Read more...]
368 Lucky Wind
To sail you rely on the wind. If the wind blows North and you want to go South you must work at it. You must adjust the sail to … [Read more...]
392 Remember Group B
Group A actually shot baskets. They physically stood there and practiced shooting Basketballs. Group B also stood there but they … [Read more...]
395 Fake it
The full statement is "Fake it, till you make it." And it works! Because you just do not believe enough in yourself. So you need … [Read more...]
398 Dimensions
Most thinking until the 1950's was in 2 Dimensions. Mass production of airplanes introduced us to the 3rd Dimension. Height. Until then … [Read more...]
399 Compensations
Regular Nicotine intake (ie: cigarettes) automatically causes your body to create 'anti-nicotine' to Compensate. Stop Nicotine input … [Read more...]
400 Tick Tock
They put 12 large Grandfather clocks in a room. Eleven were started at exactly the same time. Tick. One was started (Tick) when the others … [Read more...]
411 At That Time
Everything is recorded. It's recorded at the time it occurs. Obviously. And that's the memory you use when doing, well, anything and … [Read more...]
412 No One
What if you can get your wishes and desires without telling anyone what you want or even that you want something. No. One. Wouldn't … [Read more...]
419 Human Magnets
You know how a magnet works, right? Each molecule (thought) has two sides to it. One is labeled North (Yes I can) the other South … [Read more...]
425 Re-Frame It
Re-Frame whatever you wish to change, improve or neutralize.Would you leave a steady income with a reliable future, to take a chance and … [Read more...]
426 Planting Seeds
Once Seeds are planted in the soil,They don't move.They get what they need to become what they are from the soil around them.They don't … [Read more...]
436 Golf
Playing Golf is a lot like celebrating a New Year. If I recall my past errors and mis-judgements...I improve myself for the next … [Read more...]
447 Imagine Fear
The solution to fear is to Imagine it.Why? Because your mind cannot tell the difference from outer input: your five senses;and inner input: … [Read more...]
451 Make a Mistake, Please
I usually push the outer limits with things /people.This stock is destined to go up.This person is extremely talented. etc. Which means … [Read more...]
(English) 471 Automatic Balance
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. … [Read more...]
(English) 476 Reverse Gear
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. … [Read more...]
(English) 494 Tired Power
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. … [Read more...]