How many more books do I have to read before I grow up?
“Just a few more,” is correct.
Not 1,387 !!
At the rate the child can read now it’s actually misleading to state almost any number.
And so it is with our self.
The decisions / changes I make in life are valid at that time AND lead me to then see other needed changes.
Things I could not see until I made those first changes / decisions.
I am not continuously doing the same thing over and over.
I am doing different things. (Look and see how this is true in your life!)
It seems endless, in one way.
And, in one way, it is.
BUT the changes are always different.
The steps I took in my past seemed so large at the time and yet now seem so small, that the steps I see for my future will not be as daunting as they ’now‘ seem to be.
When you are ‘low’ or down, rather than agree with yourself (!) look at how hard you used to think things were,
things that you can now do almost without thinking.
And all this was accomplished One by One.
From now on separate things into individual actions / decisions and do them…
One by One
To reinforce this read any two below:
# 3 Cumulative Knowledge – 20 The ‚Gift‘ of Knowledge – 24 The Wedge
32 Red Light, Green Light – 35 One + One = Two! – 49 Sharks – 73 Killing Frogs – 78 Process
106 Plan B – 113 Success – 117 Gold Mine – 119 Gears – 152 Just Do It – 153 All-At-Once
157 Self Assembly – 163 When I Grow Up – 176 „1-2-3“ – 185 First, Get Alive
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