Do it

348 Volume Control

Doing something you don’t want to do?

Can’t stop?


Then don’t stop.

Stop trying the on/off ’switch‘, it obviously doesn’t work for you.


Imagine instead you have a Volume Control.

Turn down the volume.

But not all the way.

That would be the same as an on/off switch.


Just turn the Volume down a little bit.

Then, when you see that works, turn it down a little more.


Oh, most likely only you will notice it at first, but that’s Ok.

You are doing this for yourself anyways, right?


Soon the volume is so low it simply stops being of concern to you.


Of course, as usual, you have to actually do it to get the results.



To reinforce this, read any 2 below:

14 Eliminating Triggers24 The Wedge73 Killing Frogs86 Don’t be Yourself!

96 Habits176 „1-2-3“

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