Do it

167 Bucket List

Make a list of things you want to do before you die.

These are really the things NOT motivated by anyone else in your life. These come directly from you, for you.

So make a list and check it. You’ll find you can actually do many of these now.

And easily!


What holds you back are your thoughts of what others would think regarding your desires that are NOT originating from other-than-you. They are ‘only’ your thoughts and wants /desires.

You possibly think that that is selfish.

And what if it is.

What exactly does being selfish mean? Not in general. In this case.


To think clearly ask yourself this:

Who is harmed, who gains, who benefits.

(Ask yourself this each time you hesitate doing something)

And look at the answers.


It’s your list. Why wait?



These are related:

# 5 Decision – 6 Feed Yourself – 24 The Wedge – 59 Hesitation – 131 Once

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