Do it

490 Allowance

You Allow things.

You buy fattening foods so you can… exercise your self control?

Otherwise why buy them in the first place?


You have to first buy the stuff, then prepare it, then have it near you. (Computer Apps too!)

Then and only then can they affect you.


Ok, so?

The time to change things is when willpower is NOT an issue:

Increase the obstacles for unwanted stuff.

Reduce time /effort required for good behavior.



Drink 2 x 8oz water 20 minutes before eating. (It’s healthy and ‘fills’ you. NO willpower is required when you are full!)

Place your food on a smaller, colored plate. (You really do eat less that way)

Eat  s l o w l y: chew lots more before swallowing! (Too easy?)

I shop when I am full and I only buy what is on my list, which I wrote when I was full.


Eat more Snacks

Have a variety of cut veggies on hand. (Lowers the time /effort of good habits.)


Spend less Money

Use a Debit card, so you don’t spend more than you have. (Inconvenient? Good!)

Withdraw less cash from the ATM. Go back again, if necessary. (See above)


Create more Time

Delete APPS that waste time. (Do this impulsively!)

Delete games from your computer. (Right after you play too much!)

Set times to check emails, play, etc. (Make an appointment with yourself for each one.)



Put your alarm clock across the room.

Stand, instead of sit, to watch TV. (You will be surprised at the effect.)

Brisk walk 15 minutes. Every day. (It’s all you really need.)

Sign up for a class to draw/run/paint regularly (because without the class commitment, you don’t).


As always, you have to actually want to!


It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,

which side-steps your filters.


24 The Wedge27 Responses67 Personal Nag96 Habits129 Diversity

186 Start, Stop, Continue246 Environment301 How to Stop344 3 Weeks

348 Volume Control437 Push-ups, Right Now