We all understand how we ‘should’ program our self.
So, why doesn’t it always work?
Because it’s not real.
That’s NOT what your Sub-conscious acts on.
After you make your statement /request.
After you make your affirmation.
Then it’s Real.
“I want more money. I need more money. I have more money” = program
Then you say /think: I hope that works for me.
Then it’s Real.
You HOPE that works, is what’s programmed: Hope.
“Money is good and I want more!” = program
Then you say /think: Hmmm, it really IS good, and I really DO want even more.
Then it’s Real. And you get it.
It always works the same way,
First the subject /program…
Then the Real program.
Then it’s Real.
If you Read only one more: # 28 Getting What I Want!
# 11 Feedback – 34 Thinking Positively Negative – 44 After – 58 Needs
168 Creating Desire