You don’t want to be perfect.
I knew a lady who did not speak English ‘properly’.
She would say “Hi, youse guys” when greeting her friends.
And, as her sales organization grew, she wrote a monthly newsletter (before email!).
Guess what her greeting in every newsletter was.
“Hi, youse guys”
The head of the Company, upon reviewing this newsletter, said she’d help ‘improve’ her bad English.
“Why,” I asked, “would you want to change such a distinctive style.”
Well so that she can improve her English and become even more understandable by others.
“Absolutely not!” I countered, “That also takes away the individuality that’s uniquely her.”
Several years later we had a problem with this lady.
She won our highest award in two countries in the same year.
We had to invent a reward above and beyond what we normally give our top people.
And when we told her what it was, she answered
“Thanks youse guys.”
You don’t want to be perfect.
You want to be yourself.
These are related:
22 Attitude – 27 Responses – 37 Or Its Equivalent – 40 So What! – 59 Hesitation – 60 Patterns – 64 Natural Talents
65 Wealth – 69 Labels – 81 Second Impressions – 89 Initiating – 95 Ring/Knock
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