Do it

15 K.I.S.S.

Ask politely and directly for what you want.
Take a chance on getting slapped, you might get kissed!


People are mostly the same. A good restaurant is a good restaurant to almost everyone. So is a good book, or movie.


Quite often we allow unstated barriers to prevent us from asking for the very thing the other person also would be pleased to have happen.


Suddenly they stared at each other and one blurted out, “Let’s get out of here! This is a lousy movie!”
As simply as that they did something they both wanted, but normally wouldn’t do.


Keep It Super Simple really works well.


You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!
It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles
to ‘side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2 below: If you Read only one

11 Feedback22 Attitude32 Red Light, Green Light – 58 Needs59 Hesitation

60 Patterns89 Initiating – 95 Ring/Knock99 Perfection!103 Ring/Knock Part 2

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