Do it

148 A Wife is a…

A person has multi facets.

Think of a cog wheel.

All those cogs represent different subjects in that person’s life.

And when two people meet they interact /intermesh. Yet only some cogs fully intermesh. Some just touch. And some are on opposite sides.

My need for business fulfillment won’t happen from my interactions with my wife or children. My need for family is not fulfilled by my appreciation of sports. And so on.


My wife and I have decided to reinterpret our selves as Husband & Wife.

Now our definitions are:

A wife is a ‘Melanie’


A husband is a ‘George’.


And a George /Melanie is an ever-changing relationship.


We no longer expect everything must come from a single person /source.

(Annnd, we no longer ‘fight’ as much!)



These are related:

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