At one time you thought about how to
handle a knife and fork, comb your hair, give a talk, dance.
At one point in your life you did, in fact, have each one of these in your consciousness.
Until you learned them. Once learned you relegated the repetition to your inner mind or subconscious. (If you had to pay attention to every-thing you do, you would not be able to handle it.)
You also decided what series to ‘link’ together as an automatic / unconscious response.
A series of pre-decided actions is also known as an Attitude.
Some people have a ‘good’ attitude and some a ‘bad’ attitude about the very same thing.
What attitude (series of pre-decided/automatic decisions) do you hold regarding, … food? Setbacks? Mistakes?
What are your series of linked thoughts that end up with you automatically
* eating… too much, not enough, junk food, or whatever.
* avoiding situations where you could be wrong.
So how do we change this state of affairs?
How do we change our attitude?
Don’t condemn yourself, correct yourself.
Correct yourself after the event but not during!
A simple key to success.
To reinforce this read any two below:
# 3 Cumulative Knowledge – 46 Always – 96 Habits
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