Do it

378 Facts?

Facts are NOT permanent.


Medical: They themselves say their Facts become 50% ‘wrong’ in 10 – 20 yrs.

Almost everything else: 6% per year.  (QI K 9


10 years = 60% ‘wrong’ Facts.


Smoking and jogging were doctor recommended.

Dinosaurs had feathers?  (The Half-life of Facts. Samuel Arbesman)



in the 1940’s we hated them

in 1950’s we helped them

and so on.


Russia, Afganistan, Iran, Israel, etc.


OK, So?

When a situation is really serious first find out what the facts are.

Do not rely on your knowledge.

(When did you get your knowledge on this subject?)


Increase your effectiveness: base your solutions on current Facts.


To reinforce this, read at least 2 below:

# 20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge30 Ever-changing Relationships32 Red Light, Green Light

79 Truth Time146 Always Right162 Consider the Source172 Sky or Steel?177 I Know

182 Grey194 F.E.A.R.216 Lies233 Input257 Unknown273 Propaganda286 Bias

311 Telling Lies313 Fact vs Opinion327 Rejection369 Sunset


  1. April 2014 An ‘Uncomfortable’ Update
    * The gradual temperature rise of the 1980s and ‘90s stopped …17 years ago.
    * 2013 had the least hurricane activity since the 1990s.
    * 2013 tornado activity reached a 60-year low.
    * Antarctic ice has been expanding for several years.
    * September 2013 Antarctic ice hit a record high.

    * Arctic ice grew by 50% last year.
    * The Great Lakes ice cover hit a 35-year high.
    * Greenhouse gas emissions are at their lowest point since 1994

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