What if no one is in charge?
That’s what happens when you destroy an idea someone has without putting forth an idea to take its place. Or fail to create one in the first place.
Then there is no idea.
As we create a new company (with ‘breakthrough’ smart health products!) we need a strong Statement of Purpose & Intent. Otherwise we have Anarchy.
What do you say when someone asks you if these products ‘cure’ this or that?
Without a pre-decided reply some people inadvertently mislead others.
But with a firm statement in place, all you have to do is follow it.
Same for a course of action.
If you shoot down a proposed course of action without proposing one of your own, then you are saying that NO action is better than action.
Try telling that to children.
Just telling them to “Stop it” does not work.
Don’t worry, don’t be nervous, … afraid etc, does not work.
However pointing out something they can do almost always works.
Same for adults, companies, friends etc.
The next time you want to say “No” replace that with something that can equal a “Yes”.
(Let’s go here, or Let’s do this, instead.)
These are related:
# 5 Decision – 17 Impossible Decisions – 42 Leadership – 127 Not-Me
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