Do it

292 Denying

Red scarves don’t bother me.

OK. If you say so. But why don’t you say Red scarves don’t AMUSE me.

Well, because they don’t.

When someone protests that something does NOT … why bring it up in the first place?


I gave a lecture on UFOs at a University. I came in late and pretended not to remember which subject I was there to talk about.


“Flying Saucers!”

someone shouted out.
“Flying what?” said I.
“You know,” they said, “Aliens.”
“So,” said I “why are we not talking about Purple Fluff floating overhead

planning to take over the world. That would be alien.”

Well there is no thing to deny there. Something must initially be there, to deny.


Sooo, when you hear someone denying, you know it means the opposite.

That goes for you too, when you deny.


These are related: # 116 Facade127 Not-Me216 Lies254 Manipulation278 I Am

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