Do it

94 Increasing Vitality

Vitality comes from desire.
Desire creates energy dedicated to achieve only that desire.


Charlie comes home dead tired.
Drops into his chair and turns on the Television.
He’s too tired to make himself something to eat.
When the phone rings he debates whether to answer it.
It’s Susie, she’s changed her mind and “wants to”.
Suddenly he has all the energy in the world.
For that.


You have a lot of unrealized childhood desires.
They contain a lot of energy dedicated to achieve them.
I built a model railroad with over 75 feet (20m) of tracks ‘for the children’.
Now all that energy is available to me for general use.
Water passes down a chute and turns a blade to create energy /electricity, — once done that particular task it’s still water and still available for other uses.


To dramatically increase your own Vitality /energy, do those things you always wanted to but never did.
That energy is then freed for your general use.



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