Positive Thinking is a great solution to a simple but complex-to-explain situation.
Essentially, our mind does not understand the concept of ‘not‘.
What action do you take if I say: Please don’t write your name.
I don’t want sickness, I don’t want poverty and so on, are absolutely useless statements.
Your mind will look at them and see …nothing.
I’m tired of being sick and poor will, at best, get you agreement that yes, indeed you are tired and sick /poor.
By using Positive Thinking you cannot phrase something in these useless-to-your-mind ways.
There is some art to it. One has to phrase things without any ambiguity whatsoever.
I am well. I am rich. I am, …etc.
OK, so?
What you say has, at its base, the exact opposite meaning /effect.
I want money clearly states you don’t have it. (And you are Positive you don’t!)
I am Healthy. OK, so if you are, then why are you saying this!
See, your basic premise is there’s something there that’s exactly opposite.
And you try to be positive about what you ‘know’ is negative.
It is this ‘knowing’ that continues the unwanted state.
Rather than blindly recite Positive Statements – question the basic premise that lies behind your ‘Positive’ Statements.
Change that and you change in your life.
These are related:
22 Attitude – 28 Getting What I Want – 38 Carrier Wave – 41 Elephants – 45 Problems – 58 Needs
66 Opposites – 68 Concentration – 74 Dictating Your Miracle – 103 Ring/Knock Part 2
How lovely to see your smiling face again & to be instantly transported to memories of truly great conferences. I really appreciate being remembered now to receive some valuable reminders of life & ways to continue to shift our minds & lives for the better.
I am living an extraordinary life !!! with fond memories, Jennie
For the last 3 years George’s mental blitzes have bounced off the satellites every week without fail. We read. Yeah, suppose so, maybe, doesn’t concern me. Or, yep, that’s why I am treading water at the moment, am tired, can’t make decision, whatever……..
Whatever our reaction, we take a lot on board. But do we spare a thought for the author? So, thank you, George. Wishing you both a most successful 2010! Love, Angela