Do it

133 Plenty of Peas

To glue an elephant on to a pea is a big problem.
Gluing a pea to an elephant is no problem.


Thinking any one thing solves ‘all’ is a big problem.
If only a pea could do that to an elephant!
A pea is a solution to some part of your life and as such, has validity.


When you look for a single solution to resolve most /all things,
remember it’s Plenty of Peas that did it in the past and
Plenty of Peas that will continue to do it in the future.


Check your own memories regarding your own successes.
Plenty of Peas, eh?
What are you now relying on an elephant to solve?
Time to rethink that.



These are related:

# 3 Cumulative Knowledge32 Red light, Green Light41 Elephants

73 Killing Frogs95 Ring/Knock96 Habits103 Ring/Knock Part 2106 Plan B

107 Iron113 Success117 Gold Mine130 Collecting Solutions

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