Your mind automatically records everything. Everything!
However before accessing this data your mind goes through a filter that states how to interpret this information. Happy, sad, embarrassing etc.
And that’s the problem.
Many Years Ago
John and Sue looked for a place to “Do it”
They found an unlocked door to a warehouse.
Inside the Supervisor’s office was a sofa.
When the Supervisor returned from lunch he chased them away.
Both were extremely embarrassed and wanted to forget the whole thing.
John works at a warehouse and really wants to improve his situation.
He reads books on Attitude and Belief and Positive Thinking.
But he knows he hasn’t the knowledge or experience to get ahead.
Yet the Supervisor was working that weekend inventing a very efficient distribution system.
That system was on every wall of the office they were in.
However because John classified that event under ’embarrassment’ he does not access that information – which he did record – that would in effect give him a raise.
Widening your Filters gives you access to memories that, applied to your current situation, solve so many things you want to solve.
You DO have it in you.
You just have to allow it to emerge.
Here’s how: Mental Doodle # 14
These are related:
# 3 Cumulative Knowledge – 14 Eliminating Triggers – 21 Interpretation
28 Getting What I Want! – 38 Carrier Wave – 87 Barriers – 182 Grey
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